
Riskthinking.AI, founded by financial risk expert Dr. Ron Dembo, is at the forefront of integrating AI technology with climate change data to reshape the landscape of financial risk management. As a pioneering data and technology company, their focus is on repricing financial risk considering the realities of climate change. Their innovative AI-based data analytics platform is adept at collecting, codifying, aligning, and analyzing vast datasets to offer comprehensive climate-related risk data. This includes providing regulatory-ready climate stress tests, financial reporting solutions, and risk ratings and analytics tailored to climate change scenarios. Significantly, Riskthinking.AI has developed the first full enterprise platform for computing and managing climate risk on a global scale, covering the earth and oceans in over 33 billion data points. This cutting-edge approach enables business leaders to effectively manage the future financial impacts of climate change, thereby integrating these critical environmental factors into successful business strategies.