Our Work - at a glance

Our research topics originate from conversations and strategic partnerships with industry. Through these partnerships, RiskLab’s research is constructed to be immediately impactful upon publication. All current research falls under one of our three pillars of expertise.

Machine Learning

Mathematical & Financial Modelling

Socially Responsible Investing (ESG)

RiskLab’s research into Machine Learning 

in 2020 includes three areas: NLP (Natural Language Processing), Financial Applications, 

and Reserve Engineering on Machine Learning Models.


Our research in Mathematical Modelling 

includes two areas: Scores vs Factors, and 

Asset Class & Crypto.


When it comes to the day-to-day operations of corporate entities, the term ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) has been coined to categorically account for most externalities that often arise. Beyond that, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations provide a road map for innovation, which is at the core of RiskLab’s acitivities.

Industrial Innovation

FIT Centre

Upskilling and re-skilling are two of the main challenges of corporations worldwide. With the advances that AI is bringing to

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Absorb information from thousands of known and underutilized sources and automatically generate interactive reports.

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Industry Partners

Academic Partners